The Oakdale Fire Department has several pieces of apparatus (vehicles) that give us the proper tools to address an incident or call for service.
M-41 is a 2012 Smeal Fire Engine. It carries 1000 gallons of water and has a 1500 Gallons per Minute (GPM) Pump.
M-41 is OVFD’s main attack engine and responds to an array of incidents that include but are not limited to: Structure Fires, Chimney Fires, Brush Fires, and Motor Vehicle Accidents.

M-42 is a 2018 Firovac Vacuum Tanker. IT carries 2000 gallons of water and has a 1250 Gallons per Minute (GPM) Power Take Off (PTO) Pump.
M-42 responds to an array of incidents that include but are not limited to: Structure Fires, Chimney Fires, Brush Fires, and Motor Vehicle Accidents.

M-43 is a 2003 International Tanker. It carries 2500 gallons of water and has a 1250 GPM Pump.
M-43 responds to an array of incidents that include but are not limited to: Structure Fires, Chimney Fires, and Brush Fires.

M-94-1 is a Siesta Skiff with a Mercury 50 engine on the back.
M-47 is a 200 Freightliner – Prime Mover.
M-47 responds to an array of incidents that include but are not limited to: Water rescue, service calls such as basement pump outs and motor vehicle accidents.
M-47 is the department’s primary apparatus used to move M-94-1 Siesta Skiff Mercury 50.

M-400 is a 2020 4WD Ford F550.
M-400 responds to all medical emergencies in the OVFD jurisdiction as well as R-1 support services to the greater Montville area and surrounding towns. M-400 also provides scene support for CO gas alarms, motor vehicle accidents and structure fires.

M-46 is a 2013 Ford Explorer.
M-46 responds to R-1 medical response assistance calls.

M-46-1 is a 2006 Ford F250
M-46-1 responds to R-1 medical response assistance calls, as well as the primary traffic control vehicle.